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FIT Launch Party

Fathers in Tech Launch Party Event brings together local and state leadership to celebrate national $5,000,000 workforce development grant

The Fathers in Tech Launch Event was the official celebration of NextFlex and CYEP receiving the HHS Fatherhood FIRE grant for fiscal year 2021 through 2026. CYEP partnered with NextFlex, a DOD Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Institute, to secure approximately five million dollars in resources over the next five years for the National Capital Region to support fatherhood and workforce development programming. The program is a combination of workshops to strengthen the family unit and support financial stability, and individualized career coaching, as well as workforce development programs. CYEP has partnered with the Eastern Mid-Atlantic Carpenter’s Union to create a construction pre-apprentice program and Melwood to support computer certification trainings.

The event, hosted by Wes Hall (host of the Washington Wizards), was held on, Friday, July 16, 2021 at The Chart House on 1 Cameron St, Alexandria VA. Attendees included major program sponsors Dominion Energy, Melwood, the Mid- Atlantic Carpenters Union as well as over 50 others. Major Justin Wilson gave glowing remarks and the night ended with a champagne toast in honor of the government and community partners in the room.

Watch our video about
Fathers in Tech program.

Our work teaches skills and equips fathers with the tools and empowerment needed to strengthen lives and change communities.
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