Becoming A Responsible Teenager
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Project Success takes place at locations throughout the City of Alexandria and Fairfax County including:
- The Less Secure Shelter (Shelter Care)
- Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Center
- The City of Alexandria Community Recreation Centers: (Cora Kelly & Charles Houston Centers)
- Boys and Girls Club of Alexandria
- Alexandria Court Service Unit
- TC Williams High School
- Community Lodgings Inc.
- Gum Springs Community Center
- The South County Teen Center
Risk Reduction
Who we are & Our Mission
Class Format
Project Success is a 8 week teen pregnancy prevention program that uses evidence based curriculum. The classes meet two (2) times per week and include a mindfulness and meditation session (yoga) and a financial literacy session which focuses on financial literacy. The program goals include:
- Increasing youth knowledge about HIV, AIDS, and other STDs.
- Believe in the value of safer sex, including abstinence.
- Have confidence in their ability to negotiate safer sex and to use condoms correctly.
- Be able to use condoms and negotiate sexual situations.
- Intend to practice safer sex.
- Reduce sexual risk behaviors.
- Take pride in and responsibility for choosing responsible sexual behaviors.