Darryl Britt

Founder and President of Apprio

Brief info

Mr. Britt is the Founder and President of Apprio, Inc. a leading provider of management and technology services to Federal and public sector health organizations. Prior to starting Apprio in 1998, Mr. Britt had previously worked in executive management of several technology firms specializing in healthcare and financial management.

Mr. Britt’s strengths lie in his ability to assimilate his technology background with general executive management experience, especially in high growth environments.

Mr. Britt’s other accomplishments include various management consulting positions with Deloitte & Touche, and several technology and business development roles prior. Mr. Britt holds bachelors and masters degrees, and has performed post-graduate work all at Carnegie Mellon University.

Mr. Britt is married and resides with his wife, Lawanda, in Maryland. He is the proud father of three children, and three grandkids.

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